Haigh Elementary School

School News


Morning Haigh, Please click on the link below for information on upcoming events at Haigh. Have a great day! Mr. Short OCTOBER NOTES FROM HAIGH

Haigh Parent/Guardian Survey

Afternoon Haigh Community, Please take the time to complete the survey below. We will use the results of this survey to help with future planning for our building. Thank you so much for your help 🙂 Mr. Short Haigh School Survey(click here in the blue)

Haigh Fall and Winter Reminders

Morning Haigh Community, Please see the link below for Fall and Winter Reminders for student dress. These are the guidelines that we follow to keep the student safe at Haigh. Thank you as always for your help, have a great day! Mr. Short Fall and Winter Reminders...

Reminder: Halloween Bingo for Book Tonight!!

Reminder: Halloween Bingo for Book Tonight!!

Morning Haigh Community, Please join us tonight for our "Halloween" edition of Bingo for Books! This event will take place from 6:30-7:30pm in our cafeteria. Please use the 5th grade doors for entrance. Overall, this a very fun event for our students and a great way...

BRICS Bond Overview

Morning Haigh Community, Please see the information below that provides an overview of the BRICS Bond for our entire district. We also will be hosting an informational meeting on October 22nd at 6:00pm in our media center. Please stop by with any questions or for more...

Haigh Restaurant Days

Haigh Restaurant Days

Morning Haigh Community, Please help out Haigh School by stopping by Caesar's Coney Island(on Ford and Denwood) for a meal over the next 4 days. Caesar's has generously stated that they will donate 20 percent of each bill to our Haigh PTA. Which goes back into the...

Haigh Movie Night is Still Going On 🙂

Evening Haigh Community, Haigh has power and we will be starting our movie night festivities at 7:00pm. The food trucks and concessions will be open at 7:00pm and the movie will start at 8:00pm. The location of movie night is behind Haigh. Please walk around the DC...