Haigh Elementary School

Haigh Hybrid Back to School Parent Information

Good Morning Haigh Community,

I hope that everyone is having a good start to their weekend 🙂 Linked below is Haigh’s “Back to School” information for our parents. Each slide has a header at the top that relates to- Lunch, Snacks, Arrival, Dismissal, Instruction, etc..You can make the presentation larger by clicking on the “present” button on the top right corner. You may also want to bookmark this link, print certain pages, or download to your desktops. Overall, I tried to add topics that I have had questions about from the community. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. We have 1 more week of learning labs(orientation) prior to our K-2 students starting their Hybrid model. It is important for students to attend these meetings if possible. They will help quite a bit with student confidence with coming back to the building. Thank you parents for continuing to work together for your students education. I am very excited that they will get to see their peers at the building 2 times a week! I hope this goes very well in March and that we may be able to increase days in the coming months. Thank you again for your time, have a great weekend!

Mr. Short