Haigh Elementary School

Covid-19 Notification Letter

Evening Haigh Community,

Please see the letter linked below that notifies our community of a member of Haigh Elementary that has tested positive for Covid-19. There were no close contacts and only this member will need to quarantine at this time. Please also see the information below that provides background information on when a letter is sent out to the community.

Haigh Community Notification Letter 3/18/21

I wanted to provide some clarity on when a “Covid Notification Letter” is sent out and what it means. When a letter is sent out it means that a student or staff member at Haigh Elementary has tested positive for the Covid-19 Virus. This means that a family has made us aware that their son or daughter has tested positive or a Haigh Staff member has tested positive. From there we work with our school nurse and follow guidelines from the Wayne County Health Department. We also do contact tracing to see what adults or students may have been in close contact with the student or staff member. When the symptoms began are also important when seeing who may need to quarantine. Close contact means that a staff member or student was less than 6 feet away from the positive student/staff member for more than 15 minutes. If we find that there are close contacts, then these students or staff members would also need to quarantine for 10 days.

At the school we take the health and safety guidelines very seriously. We have all of our student desks spaced out 6 feet, have sneeze guards, desk partitions, do 4 hour touch point cleaning, and after school cleaning of the building. Students also wear masks at all times(except when eating) and use “zombie arms” to maintain social distancing. Another key feature is that we use 7 locations for student arrival and dismissal. Lunch is only 1 grade level at a time and every touch point is cleaned prior to the next group coming in. Overall, I believe we have very good safety measures in place. Please continue to monitor your students before coming to the building for the day. The linked form provides guidance on when they need to stay home. Click here for the form.

Thank you as always for your time and commitment to the education and safety of your Haigh Student(s)

Mr. Short