Haigh Elementary School

Plan for Learning Labs at Haigh

Evening Haigh Community,

I wanted to provide a message from Haigh about learning labs for the rest of this week and next. For this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, staff members and parents who feel comfortable with their scheduled labs can continue to participate with these appointments. Please remember that these are not mandatory and will not affect your student’s grade if they do not attend. Learning labs provide extra support/extension for our students based on their instructional levels. If a staff member does not feel comfortable with hosting his/her lab groups, then we will have to look at remote labs. Both our community and our teachers take care of loved ones and we want to make sure that we are remaining safe. Next week, we are planning to do a full week of remote learning labs that will allow for a consistent schedule. We hope that Covid levels go back down next week so that in-person labs can return the week of November 2nd. Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Your classroom teacher will be in communication through their blog, schoology, or email.


Mr. Short