Haigh Elementary School

Reminder: Tomorrow is a “No School” day for our Kindergarten Students

Evening Haigh Community,

  This is just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow for our Kindergarten students. Please view the information below that was shared out in a letter at the beginning of the school year. All other grades will have school as usual. I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys this warm “Fall”weather 🙂

Mr. Short

Professional Learning Time

All teachers of Young Fives and kindergarten students will participate in professional learning during the 17-18 school year.  Content is based on the state curriculum and includes language arts, math, science and social studies.  Additional areas of focus will be on social-emotional development, assessment and small group/1:1 instruction.

2017-2018 kindergarten calendar:  The district calendar is available on the district website.  Additionally, there are four days of “no school” for kindergarten and Young Five students.  These days are workdays for our Kindergarten teachers.   These days are:

No School Days for Kindergarten for 17-18

September 22, 2017

October 6, 2017

November 17th, 2017

February 2, 2018.