Hello Haigh Families!
We are so very excited to welcome all of our families back into the building tomorrow for Open House. A few kind reminders as you are preparing to visit tomorrow:
- Open House is scheduled from 1:30-3:00 pm
- Please bring any materials/supplies to drop off in your child(ren)s classrooms as you are visiting
- Please be sure to visit where your child(ren) will be lining up every morning
- you can ask your teacher for specific directions
- Stop by the Dismissal Table to pick up some additional information about the new dismissal plan that we will be implementing within in the next few weeks
- There will also be QR codes around the building for the district survey surrounding Tuesday Early Release Afterschool Programs. It is also attached here. Please take the time to complete a survey! Early Release Survey
- Haigh’s Backyard will be ready to welcome our Owls during Open House. After you have visited your child(ren)’s classrooms, please head outside for some fun and refreshments!
Parents, please remember to use this time to help get your child(ren) acquainted with their new classroom and teacher. This is a great time to help “practice” and ease some of the concerns of coming back to the school on the first day.
We are excited to see everyone tomorrow!