Good Morning Haigh Community,
I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the sunshine today! Warmer temperatures would also be nice, but I will take the blue skies and sunshine 🙂 Below are the “February Updates” for this month. The letter and video touch on the following areas- important dates, Hybrid Model, Report Cards, Current Instruction, and helpful communication and technology notes. As you may know where are currently waiting for the Wayne County Positivity Rate to go to 5 or below, before starting a Hybrid Model for in person instruction. Every Tuesday this rate is reviewed by our district office. I have more information and details in the linked letter and video below. I also wanted to mention that some of our Haigh Students are working on a pledge recording that will be shared at the beginning of the School Board meeting on Monday, February 8th, at 7:00pm. These students are part of our “Modern Band Club” lead by our music teacher, Mr. Efraim Keremaris. For more information about February and the coming months, please use the links below. Have a great day! ~Mr. Short
UPDATES FROM HAIGH 2-3-21(video)
2-3-21 Letter to the Community