Haigh Elementary School

Haigh Habit of the Month- “Be Respectful”

Afternoon Haigh Community,

For the month of January we are working on “Being Respectful” for our Haigh Habit. Please see the video below and also view some of the books that can be read with your Haigh Owl during this month.

We are also excited to share that we are going to start delivering “Haigh Habit Certificates” and Lawn Signs to our Habit of the Month Winners! As a reminder our classroom teachers pick 2 students from each room that have gone above and beyond for the habit each month. If your student was recognized for the month of December for the habit of “Problem Solve”, then please look for a Haigh Staff member to stop by this Friday afternoon between the hours of 1pm and 3pm. We will be placing your sign in your lawn for you and will set your certificate by the front door 🙂 If possible we would like for you to take a picture and share it with your classroom teacher of your students standing by their “Haigh Habit Hero” lawn sign 🙂 Overall we are excited to start this new tradition! Thank you as always for your help and time

Haigh Habit Team

Play Weekly/Monthly Habit Video for your students-click here

Be Respectful slides with read aloud