Haigh Elementary School


Winning Movie for our Fall Movie Night

Winning Movie for our Fall Movie Night

Afternoon Haigh Community, We are excited to see everyone tomorrow evening for our Fall Movie Night! This event includes food trucks, concessions, and of course the winning movie 🙂 The winning movie for this school year is ...Aladdin!! Please join us tomorrow if you...

Haigh Looking for Lunchtime Help

Good Morning Haigh Community, Haigh is currently seeking 2-3 community members to help out in our cafeteria during lunches. Our lunches run from 11:15am-1:15pm each day. Our noon hours help our students with lunch procedures and also assist with indoor or outside...

Important! Please update your emergency information

Morning Haigh Community, It is very important that all of our parents follow the steps below to update your emergency contact information through parent connect. We use this information for calling home when a student is sick, knowing who can pick up your student...

Week One Updates

Morning Haigh Community, It has been great to see everyone back at Haigh this week. Both students and staff have been very excited to start off this school year! Below are some updates from week 1. I will also be sharing out some additional blog posts later today....

Inside Line Up Today

Morning Haigh Community, Due to the wet conditions, we will be having inside line up today. Entry doors will open at 8:25am. Students use the same entry door as yesterday and line up as follows: Kindergarten-at lockers, 1st grade- in main entrance foyer, 2nd-5th grade...

Welcome Back To Haigh!!!

Afternoon Haigh Community, We are very excited to see all of our Haigh Owls tomorrow morning! I always enjoy visiting with our students and families to hear stories from Summer Vacation and to discuss all of the exciting things that we have planned for this school...

Teacher Notification

Afternoon Haigh Community, We are very excited to see everyone tomorrow for our 1st day of school! If you have not received an email from your student(s) classroom teacher for this school year, then please follow the steps below. We use our enrollment program to...

2019-2020 Classroom Line Up Locations

Afternoon Haigh Community, We look forward to a great school year and are excited to see everyone on Monday morning 🙂 Please remember that this is a 1/2 day of school. First bell rings at 8:35am and the dismissal bell is at 11:45am. Please use the link to see the...