Haigh Elementary School

Erin Mcingvale

Reminder ~ Early Release @ 2:25 Tomorrow

Reminder ~ Early Release @ 2:25 Tomorrow

Just a reminder, that there is Early Releases TOMORROW, Tuesday, 10/17/23! Students will be dismissed from school at 2:25pm every Tuesday through May of 2024. Our current staggered dismissal schedule will be in place for Early Release, nothing changes for our end of...

Care to the Core Day at Haigh!

Care to the Core Day at Haigh!

Yesterday we celebrated an amazing Care to the Core Day! Our Owls buddied up with students from another classroom to read a book together, create new friendships and exchange cards of kindness! It was a wonderful event that we hope to recreate at various times...

Household Income Forms

Household income forms will be coming home with your child today. Only the youngest student in each household will receive a form to bring home. Please fill them out completely and return to your child's teacher as soon as possible. This form is extremely important as...

Sibling Spot Begins Monday *IMPORTANT INFORMATION*

Sibling Spot Begins Monday *IMPORTANT INFORMATION*

Sibling Spot will begin on Monday for siblings only and siblings who have turned in a signed permission slip. Kindergarten and 1st grade students ONLY will be picked up by a safety and taken to the gym, 2nd-5th grade students will then be dismissed to the gym to join...

Arrival and Dismissal Parking *IMPORTANT*

Good afternoon Haigh Community, First, I would like to thank everyone for their teamwork and support in ensuring that all of our Owls have had a great start to the school year. With that said, I would like to provide a few reminders about arrival and dismissal...