Haigh Elementary School

Erin Mcingvale

OWL Time ~ New to Haigh!

I am so excited to share that yesterday we rolled out our first "OWL Time!" OWL Time is a new intervention period that we are holding for all students in grades 1-5 to provide targeted support in helping students to master grade level essential standards. During OWL...

*UPDATED* November Breakfast and Lunch Menu

https://dearbornschools.nutrislice.com/menu/haigh-elementary There was a misprint on the November Breakfast and Lunch Menus that were sent home earlier this week. The UPDATED menus are being sent home with all students today. Please utilize the new menus being sent...

A Letter From the School Nurse 10/30/23

Good afternoon, We have seen a few cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease within the building. Please review the informational letter below. Hand-Foot-Mouth-Disease_-Parent-Letter-Arabic_English.doc-1Download

Halloween Parade *UPDATES*

Good afternoon, We are very excited about our Halloween Parade tomorrow! Due to the cold weather that is forecasted, please see updated parade information below. Parents are invited to join us outside on Tuesday, October 31, beginning at 1:15pm. Students will parade...