Haigh Elementary School

Important Updates from Haigh

Good Morning Haigh Community,

I hope that everyone is having a good week and ready for the upcoming Holiday Break! Over the last week we have seen an increase in the Covid Levels at our building. This is a common trend that many schools are seeing in our county and throughout the state. We will need to work together to make sure that we can continue in-person instruction at our building. Items that help with this are- sending your students with a mask and personal water bottle each day, reminding them not to share their food, washing their hands often, keeping their masks up, and when they are not feeling well, please keep them home for the school day.

Our main goal this school year is to have our students in person at Haigh. To make sure that we are staying safe, we have decided not to have a “Family Night” for our school book fair. Students will be allowed to go back to the bookfair on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday morning to get a book or item that they may want. We are also rescheduling our “Exotic Animal Assembly” to a future date. We want to have many fun events and activities for our students this school year, but want to do them at the correct time as well.

Please see the Notification Letter below that shares that we have seen more covid cases at our building. If your son or daughter was a close contact, then we have already notified you of a quarantine period. I want to thank all of our parents/guardians for your support and understanding with the quarantine process this school year. I know that it can be very difficult to balance your work schedules with having to stay home with your student. Overall, I hope that the recent increase that we are seeing goes back down very soon. I want to thank everyone again for all your help this school year, have a good day and week!

Mr. Short