Haigh Elementary School

Notification of Covid Cases on School Grounds

Afternoon Haigh Community,

During this school week we have seen an increase of Covid Cases within our school district and surrounding communities. Earlier this week Haigh also had some students that tested positive or that may have been a close contact to a family member that are currently in quarantine. Any student that was a close contact was also contacted by our front office or district nurse to quarantine at this time. We are hoping that these levels go back down and that we can continue with our in person instruction at the building. To help with this please make sure that your students are coming to Haigh each day with a mask, that you discuss not sharing food items, remind them to wash their hands often, and to keep their hands, feet, and all objects to themselves as much as possible. With the cold temperatures please also make sure that they are coming to the building with a winter coat, hats, and gloves. Overall, I believe that we are doing a great job working together and we have almost made it to thanksgiving Break. Thank you as always for your support from home with your students education and social experiences at Haigh. Have an amazing Sunday with your family!

Mr. Short

click here to see the Notification Letter from this week