Haigh Elementary School

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

601 Silvery Lane

Dearborn, Michigan 48128

Main Office: (313) 827-6200

Fax: (313) 827-6205

    At Haigh we love to have exciting events and activities that constantly bring the community and school together. The mission of Haigh Elementary is to create a safe and supportive learning environment the enables all students to master the skills and values of a global society and to become productive life-long learners. We hold honesty, integrity, respect for self and others, responsibility, courtesy and citizenship as core values for our school district.


Haigh PTA

Click on our PTA to join our school’s PTA.  Please also consider following the Haigh PTA Dearborn on Facebook.  You will need to be approved as a member.  Once approved you will find that it’s a great source of information about what’s happening or in the works for Haigh Elementary School.

Please Prepare for Cold Weather!

We are definitely seeing a change in the temperature outside! We will continue to go outside for recess as long as the “real feel” temperature is 20 degrees or higher with no precipitation. Please ensure that your child(ren) has appropriate cold weather clothing...

Candy Grams – Volunteers NEEDED!

The PTA needs your help putting candy grams together! The more volunteers they have the quicker they can get them done for our kiddos!  The PTA plans on doing them TOMORROW, this WEDNESDAY 12/18 in the media center for anyone willing to help out! Our AMAZING PTA...

Haigh Parent Meeting ~ Wednesday 12/18/24 @ 3pm

We are so excited to be partnering with LAHC tomorrow as they are leading a parent meeting on the topic of "Child Technology Monitoring. Please join us tomorrow afternoon at 3pm in the Cafeteria. All parents who attend will have their named entered into a raffle to...

Holiday Boutique Starts TOMORROW!

We are so excited out PTA is hosting the Holiday Boutique again this year! Please see the flyer below for details! We are still in need of volunteers for the Boutique... Please click the link here to sign up! Thank you in advance! Haigh Holiday...

Haigh and DHS Interact Club ~ Toy Drive!

Haigh and DHS Interact Club ~ Toy Drive!

Haigh is partnering with the Dearborn High School Interact Club to collect new, unopened toys for donation this holiday season to local Children's Hospitals and Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries. All donations can be placed under the "Giving Tree" in the Main Lobby!

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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