Haigh Elementary School


Update from Mr. Short

Afternoon Haigh Community, I hope that everyone is having a good week and keeping warm! By now you have probably heard that the Hybrid Model has been approved to start on March 1st with our K-2 students, then on March 8th with all K-5 students. We are currently...

Letter to Community from Dr. Maleyko

Letter to Community from Dr. Maleyko

February 5, 2021 Greetings Parents, Students, and Community Members,  Ever since the announcement of a COVID-19 vaccine there has been an on-going and somewhat confusing discussion on where and how to receive the vaccine.  However,  Iā€™m happy to share...

NO WIDA Testing at Haigh Tomorrow

Due to inclement weather, we are canceling all scheduled WIDA testing at school tomorrow. All 3rd grade students who were scheduled to come in, should report on Monday, February 8 during their scheduled time. Your child should join their teacher at 8:55 am on zoom for...

Haigh Habit for the Month of February- “Collaborate”

Haigh Habit for the Month of February- “Collaborate”

Morning Haigh Community, This month our staff and students are working on the Habit of " Collaborate". Please see the Habit and goals below: We also want to recognize and congratulate our students from the month of January, where we focused on "Being Respectful". Lawn...

February Updates, Letter, and Video from Mr. Short

February Updates, Letter, and Video from Mr. Short

Good Morning Haigh Community, I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the sunshine today! Warmer temperatures would also be nice, but I will take the blue skies and sunshine šŸ™‚ Below are the "February Updates" for this month. The letter and video touch on the...

Haigh Habit of the Month- “Be Respectful”

Afternoon Haigh Community, For the month of January we are working on "Being Respectful" for our Haigh Habit. Please see the video below and also view some of the books that can be read with your Haigh Owl during this month. We are also excited to share that we are...

Video: Updates from Mr. Short 1-8-21

Morning Haigh Community, Please use the link below to view "Updates for the month Of January, 2021". I have provided a video link and a document link for your viewing. I hope that everyone had a great holiday break and is staying healthy and warm šŸ™‚ Mr. Short UPDATES...


Afternoon Haigh Community,  I hope that everyone is doing well and is looking forward to this 2 week holiday break! I know that we have all worked very hard and that everyone needs a couple weeks to relax and not worry about zoom meetings, screen time,Ā  and...

New Haigh Habit Video For December- “Problem Solve”

Morning Haigh Community, It is hard to believe that we have made it to December already! I hope that everyone is keeping safe and staying healthy. When possible, please take a look at the video below for our Haigh Habit of the Month for December- "Problem Solve". As a...