Haigh Elementary School

Erin Mcingvale

Early Release Enrichment

Haigh families, Early Release Tuesdays begin September 3rd! All students will be dismissed at 2:25. If you’re interested in after-school childcare, please see the Enrichment flyer attached.  Early Release Enrichment Club is a paid after-school...

First Early Release ~ Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Dismissal @ 2:25pm

The district's first early release of the school year will be on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd with dismissal at 2:25pm. Early release will continue on Tuesdays for the remainder of the school year. If you would like additional information on Tuesday early release childcare...

CEP Forms ~ Please Complete if you Receive One!

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) forms will be coming home with your youngest child that attends Haigh. Forms submitted by Haigh families generate a report that is critical in determining the amount of money that our school receives from a variety of State and...

Class Placements and Requests

I know that everyone is highly awaiting classroom placement letters which will be sent out tomorrow afternoon. In preparation of finding out who your child(ren)s teacher is/are please understand that many factors go into putting class lists together. Research supports...

Summer Program ~ BUS Information

Good morning, If your child(ren) is registered for the Summer Discovery Program and they rode the bus during the regular school year, they will report to their normal bus stops to be taken to Lindberg Elementary. For those who are NOT assigned a bus during the regular...