Haigh Elementary School

Erin Mcingvale

Kindergarten Students – Full Day Tomorrow 9/6

Hello Kindergarten Families, This is just a kind reminder that full days begin tomorrow, Wednesday 9/6, for all of our Kindergarten students. Dismissal will remain in the same location with pickup at 3:50 pm. If you are interested in Sibling Spot, please be sure to...

iReady Assessment to Begin the Week of 9/11

Beginning the week of 9/11 we will begin assessing students in Math and Language Arts using the i-Ready Diagnostic.  The i-Ready Diagnostic is replacing the NWEA MAP assessment that the district has used for several years.  The i-Ready diagnostic will provide useful...

Sibling Spot Letter’s Coming Home Today

Good morning Haigh Families, Sibling Spot letters will be coming home today. Please be sure to check your child's folder if this is something that you are interested in. There will be a few Sibling Spot updates for this year, so please be sure to read the letter...

Who’s Ready? Tomorrow is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Who’s Ready? Tomorrow is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

It was wonderful seeing so many of our students and families at Open House on Friday and now  we are all so excited to officially welcome everyone back on Monday for the First Day of School! Please read a few important first day reminders below:  The first...

District Survey on Early Release Childcare

District surveying parents interested in child care on early release days Dearborn Public Schools is surveying parents who may need assistance with childcare when early release Tuesdays start in October.  English and Arabic versions of the...

Open House is STILL On! ~ 1:30-3:00 pm

Open House is STILL On! ~ 1:30-3:00 pm

The building is without power, but we are still planning on holding Open House outside today from 1:30-3:00 pm. Please meet your teacher at your arrival line up locations. This well help students and families get acquainted with where they are going to line up on the...

Open House is Tomorrow! ~ Aug. 25 from 1:30-3:00 pm

Hello Haigh Families!  We are so very excited to welcome all of our families back into the building tomorrow for Open House. A few kind reminders as you are preparing to visit tomorrow:  Open House is scheduled from 1:30-3:00 pm Please bring any...