Haigh Elementary School

Erin Mcingvale

Operating Millage Renewal Facts

Operating Millage Renewal Facts

VOTE FEBRUARY 27, 2024   The Operational Millage brings $41 million into our General Fund budget; that is 16% of the budget. Without this funding, the district would sink to one of the lowest per-pupil general fund revenues in Michigan. This is a millage...

Special Holiday Lunch Friday 12/15/23

Hello Haigh Families, Ms. Alia and the lunch staff are going to be making a special holiday lunch for the students on Friday 12/15/23. They will be serving the delicious turkey and mashed potatoes that everyone enjoyed before Thanksgiving! Thank you to our amazing...

The Haigh Holiday Boutique is Coming!

The Haigh Holiday Boutique is Coming!

Volunteers are needed to help with the boutique! If you are able to volunteer your time to help, please use the Sign-up link below: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0F4CAFAD28A6FE3-46449052-haigh

Chatting with Central Office ~ Monday 12/11 @ 9:15

Haigh will be hosting a “Chatting with Central Office” event on Monday, December 11 from 9:15-10:15. Parents are invited to attend and meet members from our Central Office staff. We hope to see you there! Central Office Staff Attending Maysam Alie-Bazzi - Executive...

Parent Surveys

Hello, The Dearborn Public Schools is asking parents to please take part in a short survey.  The survey includes questions about your child's school, including Open House schedules, culture and climate, student engagement, school environment, and school safety....