Haigh Elementary School

Updates from Haigh 11-28-21

Afternoon Haigh Community,

I hope that everyone is having a restful holiday break and is keeping healthy 🙂 We have almost made it to December and Christmas Break is not that far away, which means I need to start getting some Christmas shopping done haha

I wanted to check in today to let everyone know that we will be in person this week at Haigh. Prior to Thanksgiving we were seeing an increase at the building in our Covid 19 levels and had 2 of our classes switch to being remote for Monday and Tuesday of last week due to having 3 or more cases within their classrooms. I am hoping to see these levels go back down and will continue to work with our district nurse, our district office, and Wayne County on guidelines to follow. I want to thank you for your support and understanding when we have had to call home this school year to let you know that your son or daughter would need to quarantine. These are difficult conversations, because we know that you are also working and it can be extremely hard to balance everything. As we move forward we will need to continue to work together to keep our numbers low at the building and to keep our students and staff safe. Ways that you can help from home are- please keep your students home when your student is showing symptoms of covid( loss of taste, loss of smell, nausea, fever, stomach pains,etc..), making sure your student has a mask in their backpack, sending your student with a reusable water bottle, and reminding them to not share food at the building and to keep their mask up while inside the building. We also provide daily reminders of these items for your students in their classroom, at lunch, and during morning announcements. Thank you again for your help, support, and understanding on these important items for our Owls.

This weekend we have also seen Winter come early for this school year 🙂 It was very nice to wake up and see all the snow covered trees and have some hot coffee to go along with the view! Please remind your students to please wear their winter coats, have a winter hat, and have gloves for our class recess and lunch recess each day. When the temperatures are above 20 degrees, we always head outside for 10-15 minutes to allow for some exercise and masks breaks as well. These transitions are very important for the students and as parents we know it is always important to get our children outside to burn off that “extra energy” that they may have haha.. This morning my 2 boys and I got outside to build our first snowman of the season. Of course the bottom 2 pieces were enormous and I struggled to get the legs and body pieces into place haha But, we were able to make it happen and the boys were thrilled to have their giant snowmen living in the backyard! This year at Haigh we have also been able to partner with Wayne State University once again for a 9 week Yoga program that they have been doing with our 3rd-5th grade students. This has been an excellent addition to our building and we are hoping to continue to partner with Wayne state as we have with our Summer Program, our Community Garden, and now Yoga .

Overall, I am pleased that we have been able to have in person education at Haigh this school year. We understand the value of working with your students in small groups and one on one at their academic levels and of course love to see them at the building 🙂 I will continue to keep in communication with the current levels at our building and will let you know ahead of time if we may need to shift to remote. Thank you as always for your devotion to your students education,

have a good evening 🙂

Mr. Short