Haigh Elementary School

Traffic at Haigh, Ways to Help 🙂

Afternoon Haigh Community,

As you know, Cherry Hill is currently closed down around Haigh, which has lead to some “fun times” at dismissal 🙂 From what I hear, Cherry Hill is supposed to open back up by this Wednesday, October 20th, 2021. I will continue to help out at the intersection during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal to the best of my ability. In the meantime, Please consider using 1 of the following ways to help with our traffic:

  • Swimming pool lot- parking at the swimming pool parking lot allows you to skip all of the traffic at Haigh. There is a blacktop track that your students can take from the parking lot to Silvery lane. We also have an adult each day that crosses our students at the basketball court stop sign. Thank you Mrs. Nasser for all your help this school year!
  • Side Streets- for the next 3-5 days you may want to park on side streets that allow you to drive North or towards Ford Road. This again will help you skip the traffic around Haigh.
  • Turning- I have been directing most southward traffic towards Gulley Road at Coburn and Silvery Lane. This helps Haigh with Having 1 way traffic and it really keeps cars moving. So, if you could please turn right at the corner of Coburn and Silvery lane and head towards Gulley, then we can keep the traffic moving well at the building.
  • Not parking on Coburn- It would also be very helpful if cars do not park on Coburn street during this week. The main reason for the traffic backups are cars getting stuck and not being able to move, due to parked cars on coburn just East of Silvery lane towards Bryant. I know that Haigh needs a ton more parking, but if you could not park on Coburn until the end of the week, I believe we would see a huge difference as well with traffic flow.
  • Walking to Haigh- this would be a great week to have your students walk to the building. Dropping them off at the Swimming Pool Lot, on Wilson Street by Divine Child, or one of the side streets off of Coburn would be a great stress relief for you and again would greatly help with traffic.

Overall, these are solutions that could really help this week at Haigh with the traffic concerns that we have experienced. Thank you for your help with this important item, have a good evening 🙂

Mr. Short