Morning Haigh Community,
Below are a few reminders for our students that are attending Haigh’s Summer Program. Thank you for your help with these important items 🙂
Mr. Short
- Please make sure that students are coming to Haigh with a reusable water bottle. We have several filling stations around the building and want to keep our students hydrated throughout the day. A water bottle that has a straw in it work perfect for our younger students. Sports water bottles also work well 🙂 ( see examples below)
- Please send your students with a snack. Haigh will provide a free breakfast and lunch. We will also provide a free snack in the afternoon for students that are staying between 2 and 5. Families may also want to plan to pack an afternoon snack for these students that are staying. We are generally providing apple slices, oranges, cheese, etc… in the afternoon session.
- Masks- students do not have to wear their masks outside. Students are still required to wear masks inside, I will let you know when this changes.
- Arrival and dismissal- if you arrive after 9:05am please bring your students to the main office, we will walk them down to class. Dismissal- please make sure you are arriving at 2:00pm for students that are leaving at 2:00pm and at 5:00pm, for students that are leaving at 5:00pm. Our staff has afternoon sessions that they are running, so we need your help with picking up on time 🙂
***Overall, I hope that your students are enjoying the start to our Summer Program. The combination of Academics and Specials Hubs keeps them moving and keeps them engaged 🙂 Have a great day and week!
Mr. Short