Haigh Elementary School

Important Message from Dr. Maleyko for April 6th-9th

Afternoon Haigh Community,

I hope that all families are enjoying your Spring Break and are getting a chance to relax 🙂 We have had some really good weather, besides this cold and snowy weather today! Please see the message below from Dr. Maleyko about school for next week. April 6th-9th(Tuesday-Friday) will be remote days for all students. Dr. Maleyko provides background on this decision in his letter below. Haigh will provide more details about next week in the next few days for our families. Please continue to check the Haigh Blog for updated information. I hope that everyone continues to have a good Spring Break and Easter Holiday(for those that celebrate)! I will send out a message on our school blog by Saturday morning with Haigh’s plan for remote instruction for next week.


Have a good evening,

Mr. Short