Haigh Elementary School

Correct Virtual Academy Link and Clarification

Afternoon Haigh Community,

If your family has decided to opt into the Dearborn Virtual Academy(online school), then please make sure that you have completed the correct google form. The correct form is the one in the link below. Please remember that the Dearborn Virtual Academy is separate from Haigh School. This online school is being provided by our school district and your student(s) will be assigned to a certified teacher from Dearborn. Please use the link below if you are planning to opt into the Dearborn Virtual Academy for this school year.


If you are planning to stay at Haigh for this school year, then you do not need to do anything. Your student will automatically be moved up to the next grade level and we will assign them to a teacher. One of our Haigh teachers will contact you prior to August 31st notifying your family of your student(s)’ placement. As a reminder we are starting the school year online and the district will revisit our plan in October. We are planning on having another chrome book distribution day prior to the school year beginning, to help supply technology for our families. We are also planning to have an orientation for our families to go over the new learning portals that we will use for this school year.

As always, I will continue to share out information as it is released. Have a good weekend 🙂

Mr. Short