Haigh Elementary School

Help Haigh Give Back !

Good Morning Haigh Community,

  At this time of the year Haigh School always loves to give back to those in need. This school year we will be participating in 2 different drives to help out our community. The 2 drives that we are participating in are; “The Rainbow Connection Toy Drive- dedicated to giving back for Michigan Children with life threatening illnesses” and the “Battle Against Hunger- which is in partnership with the Dearborn High School and their feeder schools to raise money for Amity and Zaman food pantry’s”. At Haigh, we will have collection boxes set up in our main hallway for these two important drives. Please see the flyer below for more detailed information about items that can be donated. Thank you everyone for your help with giving back to those in need!

Mr. Short

Battle Against Hunger(collection at Haigh in main hallway: Nov. 12th-16th)  This school year, all three Dearborn High Schools and our feeders will be raising money for two charities:  Amity and Zaaman  The goal is to raise $7,600 for Amity (will feed 100 families) and 30,000 cans for Zaaman’s food pantry.  There will also be a Turkey Trot on Saturday, November 10th at 9:30 a.m. Turkey Trot information click here   Battle Against Hunger Information click here

The Rainbow Connection(collection at Haigh in main hallway) Nov. 1st-Nov. 30th):  rainbow connection information click here