Haigh Elementary School

Haigh’s Halloween Parade Plans

Evening Haigh Community,

  We hope that you are able to join us tomorrow for our annual ” Halloween Parade” at Haigh! This is always a fun event that allows our students, staff, and parents the chance to come together. Listed below are the plans for the event for “inside” or “outside” pending the weather, we hope that the “rain rain” stays away 🙂

  • Outside(2:30pm-3:15pm)- Haigh students will be lined up at the back gate and walk around the perimeter of the building 1-2 times(pending the grade). All grade levels will end at the main entrance of the building. Parents and families are welcome to stand along the grass areas at Haigh to see our students. 

  • Inside(2:30pm-3:15pm)- Parents will be asked to line up along the walls in the main hallway. All students will be standing next to their lockers by their classrooms. Each grade level will be called one at a time to take a lap around the building to see our guests, students, and teachers.