Haigh Elementary School

Clarification on drop off and pick up at Haigh

Afternoon Haigh Community,

   I am writing today to provide clarification for student dropoff and pickup at Haigh School. We ask that all families please follow the items listed below to ensure that we have a smooth process and keep traffic moving at our building. These items include;

  • Silvery Lane Drop Off and pick up Lane- please do not park in this lane in the morning. This should only be used for dropping off your students.  In the afternoon, families can pull in to pick up their student, then please continue on so that we can keep all of our traffic moving. 

  • Coburn Street dropoff and pickup lane- please do not park in this lane in the morning. This should only be used for dropping off your students. In the afternoon, families can pull in to pick up their student, then please continue on so that we can keep all of our traffic moving. 

  • Driveways of our community members- Please do not block or park in a driveway of  one of the homes that surround Haigh. 

  • Silvery Lane Crosswalk- please do not let your student out of the car at the stop sign. This is a safety concern at also backs up traffic. 

  • Cones at Haigh- The areas that have cones at Haigh are “no parking” areas. 

Overall, safety is our biggest concern at our building. We want to make sure that our student drop off and pick up are as safe as possible and that we keep the traffic moving the best that we can for our parents. I will continue to be out front along with Officer Hanson, parent volunteers, Mrs. Corrigan, Mr. Peecher,  and our crossing guard ” Ms. Sue” to keep our students safe. I am also in communication with our district office working on a future plan to help address the traffic concerns and parking at Haigh. As always, thank you for your help and support 🙂 Have a great day!

Mr. Short