Haigh Elementary School

Reminder: Parking at Haigh

Evening Haigh Community,

  I am writing to remind everyone about parking at Haigh. Currently we have 2 construction projects going on around our building. Levagood parking lot is currently unavailable and Coburn street at Robindale has large sections of cement removed. I would strongly suggest parking on one of the side streets adjacent to Haigh and walking over for this week. I would also like to remind everyone that the front cut out sections on Silvery Lane and Coburn are for drop off only. Parking in these areas creates large traffic backups and can make our students late for school and parents late for work. The final item that is really important to me is, to always have our students cross the street using one of the cross guards. We want all of students to be safe at arrival and departure and this will definitely help out. Thank you everyone for following these school procedures for this school year, we will see you in the morning 🙂


Mr. Short