Haigh Elementary School

News from Haigh School

Good Morning Haigh Community,

     I hope everyone has had a great Summer and is ready for the new year at Haigh! Classroom placements will be emailed out later this afternoon. Over the last 2 weeks we have seen an increase in our student population and have been adjusting classes to make them as fair and balanced as possible. We have also grown to the point where we have been awarded 2 more classroom teachers for this school year. Please see the letter below that provides a thorough description of how we made our decisions for the 2017-2018 year. On Tuesday, there will be staff members out front to help guide all of our families to the correct line up location. Please note that there is construction at our Coburn and Robindale intersection and the Levagood Parking lot is being redone. I would suggest to park on one of the nearby side streets and walk over until this construction has been completed. Overall, I look forward to another great year at Haigh, see everyone on Tuesday morning 🙂

Mr. Short