Haigh Elementary School

Clarification on 2nd and 3rd Grade Concert Tonight

Morning Haigh Community,


   We are excited for our 2nd and 3rd grade concerts this evening at Haigh! I wanted to share a few details about the concert that will help it function smoothly. These details are:

  • Dress Attire: If possible please have your student wear clothing that may be Red, White, or Blue in color. This can be any dress attire for example a blue t-shirt, red button up, or a white dress. Please do not feel obligated to go out and buy anything for this event. Any piece of clothing that may be one of the 3 colors will work 🙂  Also, students can wear jeans, khakis, or any type of dress.

  • Arrival: 2nd grade– please have students report to their normal classroom by 6:15pm. From this classroom they will be guided to the gymnasium for the event. All parents can head into the gym to find their seating 🙂  3rd Grade– Please have your students report to their homeroom classes by 7:00pm. Parents may need to wait in our cafeteria until the 2nd grade concert ends and clears out, then you can find your seating.

  • Attendance:  If possible, we would love for all of our 2nd and 3rd grade students to attend. Mrs. Conrad had asked for everyone to attend due to specific students having certain roles for the performance tonight. Of  course we understand that you may have family obligations, work, or another event that may prevent you from being able to attend this evening. We just ask that you notify Mrs. Conrad so she will know to switch a role or singer tonight for your student.

     ***I hope this message helps to clear up any questions that you may have for tonight with our concert. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post 🙂

    Please call our front office with any other questions,

    Mr. Short