Haigh Elementary School

“Inside Line up” through Mid-Winter Break

Morning Haigh Community,

    For our student’s safety and in efforts to improve morning arrival at Haigh we have decided to offer “Inside Line Up” from today January 25th until Mid-Winter Break, which starts on February 20th. Please note that students will not be permitted to enter the building until 8:25am and they should be going to their designated grade level doors. We have safety’s at each door to let your students in. Students that are coming to Haigh to eat breakfast will need to enter through the main entrance starting at 8:15am. Please remember that the cut out lanes on Silvery Lane and Coburn are for drop off only. Parking in these lanes slows down traffic and creates a significant back up. The overall goal of this new plan is to keep our students warm and safe and to improve the efficiency of the morning drop off. Thank you everyone for your support and understanding, have a great second half of your week 🙂

Mr. Short