Haigh Elementary School

Important information for Haigh Parents that live in the River Oaks Boundary Area

Afternoon Haigh Community,

  Over the weekend you should have received the “Boundary Line Change Form” that is visible below. If you did not receive the form then it should be in your mail box by tomorrow evening. Please read over the form and be sure to fill out the necessary information stating that your student(s) will be staying at Haigh for the 2016-2017 or if they will be attending River Oaks for the 2016-2017 school year. Once the form is complete you can turn it in to the Haigh Main Office or at the Student Services Department at District Office. Listed below are some key items to pay close attention to;

  • The form is due to Haigh or Students Services by May 15th, 2016

  • Student ID information can be found on student report cards or by calling Haigh’s main office (313-827-6200)

  • If you have a student returning to Haigh for the 2016-2017 school year and want a younger sibling to attend that does not currently attend Haigh, then you need to complete a “School of Choice Form”. These forms are available in the front office of Haigh or at Student Services. ***School of Choice Forms are Due May 1st to the Student Services Department at District Office***

*** If you have any questions or concerns please call Haigh’s Main Office at 313-827-6200***

Thank you for your time in reading this message,

Mr. Zachary Short