Haigh Elementary School

Halloween Parade at Haigh 🙂

Evening Haigh Community,

We will be having a Halloween Parade at Haigh on Friday October 30th, at 2:00pm. Haigh students will be walking an outdoor path around the track on the North side of the building. Parents are welcome to stand along the track for pictures and celebrate our students costumes. The parade should last around 20-30 minutes where the students will walk the path 2-3 times then head back into the building.  Students Kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome to wear a costume on that day, but there are a few rules that apply:

1. No masks or items that cover the students face ( face paint is ok)

2. No weapons (knives, swords, toy guns, etc…)

3. Lower Grades- please try and dress students in costumes that are “bathroom friendly” . It can become difficult to get younger students in and out of the bathroom with only 1 or 2 teachers in a room with a class of 20.

We are very excited to have this parade at Haigh and invite our community in to celebrate with us, we hope to see you there!!

Mr. Short
